FLC has adopted Jal Vihar to bring transformation. Jal Vihar is a dense Colony that has developed very closely along the railway track near Laj Pat Nagar. It primarily consists of migrants from South India. The residents are low or unskilled for any professional carriers. They get their income through drug peddling, gambling, production and sale of local illegal liquor. Youth and children are forced to involve these businesses to bring customers and to sell products. They do not have any basic sanitary facilities and live in the midst of pile of garbage. Children education is very low as compared to other places in the city.
FLC joins hand with Global family offers non-formal education to the children below the age group of 4 to 10, places them into schools for formal education and provide tuition fees, uniform and books at free of cost. We conduct community awareness programs to bring socio-economic development and prevent the children & youth from becoming victims of anti-social elements. Annual Medical camps were conducted to provide treatment to common sickness.
Medical Camp - Jal Vihar
No. of students admitted for formal education in 2016 : 46
No. of students enrolled in our non-formal education : 34